I was very blessed to be included in the dedication service for Fayette County's new Fallen Firefighters Memorial on Sunday, October 14th. This incredible memorial was erected through volunteer help and paid for by private donations. It carries the name of six Fayette County, Pennsylvania firefighters who have given their lives in the line of duty, dating all the way back to 1901.
Why was I invited to share the dedication prayer?
A year ago our church invited Connellsville and Connellsville Township firefighters and our EMT's and Paramedics to a special worship service in their honor. We wanted to connect with these brave men and women, and simply say, "Thank you; we appreciate what you do." After that worship celebration we treated them to a wonderful roast beef dinner, and they really appreciated it.
On that Sunday I shared from the pulpit how I started out as a junior (I always hated that title) firefighter with Brookside Volunteer Fire Company (near Erie, PA) when I was 16 years old.
Through that experience I was chosen to attend EMT training. After my first stint in college, I went back to school to become a Paramedic and worked the streets for five years in Kansas City, Missouri and Topeka, Kansas. After more than 20 years on the sidelines, I still miss the rush and the cameraderie of the fire house.

When the dedication service for the memorial was being planned, Assistant Chief Rob Leiberger of C'ville Township VFD remembered our kindness to their department and my history as a paramedic. He said,"Hey, we ought to ask Pastor Tim to pray the dedication prayer. He's kind of one of us." It was fantastic to be invited.
I read two scriptures: John 3:16 and its companion 1 John 3:16. I've included those verses and my prayer below.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (Jn 3:16 - NIV)
This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers [and sisters]. (1 Jn 3:16 - NIV)
Our God,
We come before you today, privileged and honored
to take part in the dedication of this memorial.
We thank you, this beautiful autumn afternoon,
for this moving tribute to fallen heroes,
for the tireless efforts of those who lobbied, recruited,
and raised funds to make this memorial possible,
and for those who have contributed financially
that we might stand here today.
* * *
You are our Creator,
and in your image we have been created.
The Bible teaches us that God is love,
and that the love of God is a sacrificial love.
Sacrifice goes against our natural inclinations,
and yet the sacrifice of these brave men
that has brought us together today
corroborates the Bible’s testimony
that we are indeed created in your image.
* * *
Not only do we thank you for the lives of these six men
who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the service of others,
asking for your peace and your presence
in the lives of their family members;
we also give thanks for every Fayette County firefighter,
paid or volunteer,
who, regardless of risk to life and limb,
daily answers the call to service,
and for our protection.
* * *
We ask your provision and protection over these brave souls,
that their lives would be long and healthy,
that their hearts would be filled with courage,
as they run toward the dangers
from which others run away.
* * *
In Christ’s name we pray, Amen.
Unfortunately, common sense required the memorial to be designed with space for future names to be added. Dear God, please don't let that be necessary.
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