Thomas à Kempis (ca. 1380-1471) had the same problem. He was a Roman Catholic monk, one of the Brothers of the Common Life, who wrote The Imitation of Christ, translated into more languages than any book other than the Bible.
I thought I'd share a few of his thoughts. Then I'll share a couple things I've learned to combat wandering mind syndrome.
Book Three - Internal Consolation
Oh, how I suffer inwardly when I think about heavenly things, for when I pray a multitude of carnal imaginations immediately invades my thoughts! O my God, do not be far from me or turn away in anger from Your servant!
Send forth Your lightning and scatter these thoughts - shoot out Your arrows and let all the fantasies of the enemy be put to flight.
Gather my senses and draw them home to You, make me forget all worldly things, and enable me to quickly and scornfully drive away all vicious imaginations.
Help me, O everlasting Truth, so that no foolishness will affect me.
Come to me, Heavenly Sweetness, and cause all impurity to flee from before Your face.
In mercy deal gently with me, and pardon me as often as I think of anything besides You.For I must truly confess that I am always subject to many distractions.
A multitude of times I am not where I am bodily standing or sitting, but instead I am where my thoughts take me.
I am where my thoughts are, and commonly my thoughts are where my emotions are.
This too easily happens to me with those things that are naturally delightful or habitually pleasing.
Some tips for harnessing your mind during prayer:
- Keep paper and pen handy to write down any nagging thoughts during prayer. Once something is written down it's easier to put out of your mind.
- Use an acronym like A.C.T.S.: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication (or as a dear friend of mine calls it - Shopping List). Such a tool can keep you focused.
- Pray from a list. A list of concerns and praises can keep your thoughts ordered.
- Pray out loud. It's more difficult to get distracted when praying out loud.
If you still get distracted, don't be discouraged. Talk to God about it and try again.
What about you? Do you have any other suggestions?
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