unmasking the church to share the good news of jesus christ
This is a picture of Janelle's dad Paul A. Freeland when he was at Anderson College preparing for the ministry. We really wanted pictures of how we remembered our dads, but the pictures we were sent were of how our moms remembered their husbands. In a sense, we were not only honoring our dads through including their pictures, but honoring our moms, too, by using the pictures that spoke to their hearts.
Following that was a short skit by two of our seniors, Don and Effie Clark. They were an old married couple (type casting?) doing some gardening. Don was not into it, and Effie explained that taking care of a garden reminded her of the way God takes care of his children by keeping the bugs away (temptations), weeding us (from the busy-ness of life), and fertilizing us (with the Word of God). They did a great job, but brought some friends... ants... big black ones... thousands of them... well, maybe three or four.
As I was preaching about the Holy Spirit (this was not only Memorial Day Weekend, but Pentecost Sunday as well) I was suddenly aware of something crawling... ON MY FACE!!! In a very manly way I screamed like a little girl... and gently removed it. Five minutes later it was back! Most of the time I can ignore little distractions, but by the second ant I was having trouble keeping my thoughts in line... I don't know, something about coming this close to being eaten alive on stage?
My family and I are going on vacation, but not until Tuesday, so I don't know if there will be any posts tomorrow or not. Just in case, have a great Memorial Day.
And by the way, we're doing some camping on Presque Isle in Erie. We're also going to fish and do some sight-seeing. I usually drive the boys past where I grew up, that kind of thing. Last year we were kept awake by racoons and skunks foraging in our campsite after we were in bed. The first night we were there something was growling just outside the tent ever so close to my head. I think it may have been an ant.
This weekend a long awaited dream finally became reality. When I was seventeen I enrolled at Anderson College, our church's main educational institution. I studied sacred music, but left after my third year to marry Janelle, the joy of my life. I always intended to finish school, but got sidetracked with life, a career, and family. After five years as a paramedic, I answered the call into ministry, serving for fifteen years as a worship pastor, and then becoming a preaching pastor in 1999.
As a worship pastor I got by fine on musical ability, but when I started preaching on a regular basis, in order to preach the Word with integrity, I really felt the need for more education. The opportunity presented itself and I finished my BA through Warner Southern College's (another of our church's schools) Church Ministry Online Degree Program. By the time I finished my BA, Anderson (now) University was accredited to offer an online MTS (Master of Theological Studies) Degree. After six semesters finishing up my BA, I figured what's another five completing my Masters? Hey, the three years would have passed anyway, right? Celebrate with me my joy at completing my Masters Degree.
I also want to honor the other members of my School of Theology cohort: Bob Highlands MTS 2007, April Lopez MTS 2007, Craig Haney, Ryan Shockey and John Sieg. Craig, Ryan and John could not take classes full time, but they will finish up soon.