This is just one example of the haute cuisine we enjoyed while living the high life in Dreary Erie, the Mistake on the Lake. Hey, I grew up there; I can say that... but don't you dare disrespect my home town!
The reason I included this picture is this little vignette. We had ordered our Taco Bell dinner and were waiting for it to be served up, when a guy asked if I'd been waited on, because he didn't want to cut in front of me in line. I assured him I was taken care of, and noticed his McDonald's cap. He was on break and enjoying dinner at Taco Bell, wearing his McDonald's uniform from the restaurant down the street. Okay; maybe I live a sheltered life, but I thought that was mildly amusing.
Then, I hear a shout, "Pizza's here." The restaurant doors open up and a Pizza Hut delivery guy brings in a stack of three pizzas for the counter and kitchen crew's dinner!
At first I worried for my health that even the Taco Bell employees wouldn't eat there, but then I realized it was something much more sinister even than that. The McDonald's kid and the Taco Bell crew are just like us. How often do we want something other than what we have? We want a new car even though the one in our driveway runs great; we want a new house even though the one we live in has plenty of room; we want a new husband or wife even though, when you get right down to it, there's nothing really that wrong with the one we've got (in fact, we're probably blessed beyond our imagination, and won't realize what we've got until we've lost it)!
The Taco Bell Chronicles illustrate a microcosm of the human condition. Once upon a time in a Garden called Eden, two blessed people failed to appreciate all that they had been given, and coveted the one thing they were forbidden. And that, my friend, is why Pizza Hut delivers to Taco Bell.
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