Friday, November 30, 2007
Thanksgiving Family Florida Trip (Part Two)
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Thanksgiving Family Florida Trip (Part One)
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
The How-To's of Being Blessed (Part Two)
Anyway, here's installment #2 on the Beatitudes. As with Part One, I offer a paraphrase and then a question or two on which each of us might need to percolate. But first, read Matthew 5:6-8 to get started. As Rob Singleton writes, Read it; then come back. Go ahead, I'll wait.
My paraphrase:
How fortunate are those unwilling to settle, not satisfied with where their relationship with God is at right now, those whose reach for righteousness exceeds their grasp, those unwilling to quit until they've got all of God, because that kind of hunger and thirst for God isn't for nothing -- it will result in being truly satisfied.
- What if I wasn't so easily satisfied? What if I didn't try to "squeak by" being just a little better than the next guy in line? What if I knew I could do better, live better and love better, and then went out and did it?
How fortunate are those who don't hold grudges, or look for payback from others for the wrongs inflicted on them, those who refuse to take vengeance, who do good to their enemies even when the court of public opinion would say they were justified to punish, for those who show mercy will receive mercy from God.
- What if I treated others the way I want others to treat me? ...if rather than living by the code an eye for an eye I paid back evil with kindness? What if, rather than looking for reasons I'm justified to exact my pound of flesh, I looked for excuses to show mercy?
How fortunate are those who want only one thing -- God; those who keep their eye on the prize and are not entangled with or distracted by anything else, for that kind of single-minded devotion to God will be rewarded -- their dream will come true and they will see God face-to-face.
- What if I got my eyes off everything else and focused 100% on God? ...if nothing else mattered and nothing else could trip me up? What if I really had no other gods?
What question is the Spirit asking you?
Friday, November 16, 2007
I Wish I'd Said That
- What would you be willing to attempt for God if you knew you could not fail? -- Perry Noble
- ...there is no sin in thought, word, or deed, no matter how personal or secret, that does not inflict injury upon the whole fellowship. -- Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Life Together, 89)
- Foolish is the person [who] takes offense when none was intended. More foolish is the person [who] takes offense when it was intended. -- Dave Marcum and Steven Smith (egonomics)
- You are the God who loves me, and loves all the people I pretend to love. -- Michael Spencer
- We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. -- Plato
- Faith can move mountains, but don't be surprised if God hands you a shovel. -- Unknown
- If we die to ourselves, in the end we come to live in God. But it is a long, slow dying. -- Morris West (The Shoes of the Fisherman)
- When we are tempted to sin, Satan's primary strategy is to convince us that it's not a big deal, and that God won't really care if we do it. After we've given in to temptation and committed the sin, Satan flips the script. Now his chief aim is to make us believe that what we've done is so bad, God no longer wants anything to do with us. This is why your first inclination after a spiritual failure is to run and hide from God. -- Steven Furtick
Have you heard any good quotes lately?
Monday, November 12, 2007
The How-To's of Being Blessed (Part One)
How fortunate are those who have realized their own emptiness, their own helplessness, those who claim no entitlements, those with no bargaining chips, those who throw themselves on the mercy of Jesus, for they have truly submitted themselves to the rule and reign of God.
- What if, rather than thinking, "How lucky God is to have me," I had the attitude, "How unbelievably blessed I am that God offers me all of himself, when I have nothing to give him in return"?
- What if I had the same attitude toward sin in my life that God has toward that same sin?
- What if I quit wearing masks to cover my insecurities and self-esteem problems and just admitted I need help? ...if I quit pretending to be someone I'm not, and if I could put away my pride long enough to let God teach me a thing or two?
What's God speaking to your heart through these three verses?
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Good Week!
I shared several days ago about how swamped I was this week, but I was swamped doing things that I love. I had some visits to make, taught What Makes the Church of God the Church of God? on Wednesday night (only two more sessions left), prepared my teaching for this morning, attended Janelle's Sweet Adelines concert with The Sounds of Pittsburgh, and taught about the Holy Spirit in our Institute for Servant Leadership Doctrinal Track.
Below is Janelle's chorus mid-concert. In this picture Janelle is on the back row, second from the right. My new camera phone is much better than my old one, but it still doesn't do well from a distance in low light.
This morning I taught from Matthew 5:3-5 in the first of a 3-part series on the Beatitudes, called The How-to's of Being Blessed. I really enjoyed putting together that teaching, and I think it was received well.
How could I? I almost forgot to mention another one of my favorite things. I got to watch the Steelers beat the Browns. It was a close game with the Steelers coming back from a 15-point deficit. Life is good.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Because of that, I have not blogged for a week. I wanted to, at the very least, make contact today, so I thought I'd share a couple pictures I've snapped in the last two or three weeks. The top one was a cold, cold morning scene I shot from my backyard.
The next is of some of the Normalville windmills from a leafing expedition a couple weeks back.
And finally we have a morning shot of Connellsville from the summit on Route 201 coming into town from the West (I think--after 2 years here my internal compass is still malfunctioning).
Have a great week!