We're in Savannah, Georgia on our way to spend Thanksgiving with my mom in Florida. We drove 650 miles yesterday so we could spend part of this morning on the Tybee Island beach and eat lunch at The Crab Shack -- "Where the Elite Eat in Their Bare Feet." Hopefully it will be warm enough to eat out on the bayside deck.Anyway, here's installment #2 on the Beatitudes. As with Part One, I offer a paraphrase and then a question or two on which each of us might need to percolate. But first, read Matthew 5:6-8 to get started. As Rob Singleton writes, Read it; then come back. Go ahead, I'll wait.My paraphrase:How fortunate are those unwilling to settle, not satisfied with where their relationship with God is at right now, those whose reach for righteousness exceeds their grasp, those unwilling to quit until they've got all of God, because that kind of hunger and thirst for God isn't for nothing -- it will result in being truly satisfied.- What if I wasn't so easily satisfied? What if I didn't try to "squeak by" being just a little better than the next guy in line? What if I knew I could do better, live better and love better, and then went out and did it?
How fortunate are those who don't hold grudges, or look for payback from others for the wrongs inflicted on them, those who refuse to take vengeance, who do good to their enemies even when the court of public opinion would say they were justified to punish, for those who show mercy will receive mercy from God.
- What if I treated others the way I want others to treat me? ...if rather than living by the code an eye for an eye I paid back evil with kindness? What if, rather than looking for reasons I'm justified to exact my pound of flesh, I looked for excuses to show mercy?
How fortunate are those who want only one thing -- God; those who keep their eye on the prize and are not entangled with or distracted by anything else, for that kind of single-minded devotion to God will be rewarded -- their dream will come true and they will see God face-to-face.
- What if I got my eyes off everything else and focused 100% on God? ...if nothing else mattered and nothing else could trip me up? What if I really had no other gods?
What question is the Spirit asking you?