Monday, November 12, 2007

The How-To's of Being Blessed (Part One)

Sunday we started a three-part series on the Beatitudes called The How-To's of Being Blessed. Rather than re-cap these teachings, I have distilled my reflections on these passages into a paraphrase. This week was based on Matthew 5:3-5, and here's the paraphrase, each verse followed by one What if...? question for us to answer in the privacy of our own thoughts:

How fortunate are those who have realized their own emptiness, their own helplessness, those who claim no entitlements, those with no bargaining chips, those who throw themselves on the mercy of Jesus, for they have truly submitted themselves to the rule and reign of God.

  • What if, rather than thinking, "How lucky God is to have me," I had the attitude, "How unbelievably blessed I am that God offers me all of himself, when I have nothing to give him in return"?
How fortunate are those who are racked by such deep sorrow that they have no pride left, no concern about what others might think, hearts broken over their own sinfulness and what that does to the heart of God - because people with that kind of unrestrained mourning will find themselves accepted and comforted in the arms of their loving heavenly Father.

  • What if I had the same attitude toward sin in my life that God has toward that same sin?
How fortunate are those who are content with who they are, with nothing to prove, those in whom what you see is what you get, those who let God be God and who are willing to admit they don't know it all, for those who are willing to receive will be gifted with what's really important - right relationship with God.

  • What if I quit wearing masks to cover my insecurities and self-esteem problems and just admitted I need help? ...if I quit pretending to be someone I'm not, and if I could put away my pride long enough to let God teach me a thing or two?

What's God speaking to your heart through these three verses?

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