Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Everything Must Change • 8
In continuing his theme of the societal machine, Brian McLaren illustrates how this machine is not disconnected from the rest of the world (the environment), but how it interacts with it. The machine takes in matter and energy, matter in the form of raw materials, and energy in the form of oil, nuclear, hydroelectric, etc. The machine produces products and waste. The waste is divided into garbage/sewage and energy, which would be in the form of heat or radiation. (60f)
Some resources are non-renewable. Others can be replenished, but even these can be used up faster than they can be replaced. (61)
If the machine is small in comparison to the ecosystem in which it is contained, everything goes along fine. However, if not stewarded adequately, the machine can grow to the point where resources cannot keep pace with demand, and excess wastes build to toxic levels. (62)
McLaren points out the great LIE: That, of course, could never happen to us. (63) Falling for that kind of denial is what eventuates the societal machine turning into a suicide machine. (64)
Does humanity’s mandate to exercise dominion over the earth give us license to exploit its resources without restraint? Or do we have a responsibility to steward the planet so that our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will be blessed by the legacy we leave behind? On the other hand, how does our belief about the end times influence our behavior toward the earth?
Thursday, January 24, 2008
365: Exodus 13-15 (Day 21)
This verse sounds like the Hebrews marched out of Egypt with their shoulders back and their chests puffed out, like a conquering army, but the truth is in the context. The previous verse reads: When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them on the road through the Philistine country, though that was shorter. For God said, “If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.” (Exodus 13:17)
The people were dressed for battle, but their mindset was that of slaves. They looked the part of conquerors, but inside they just weren't ready to fight.
I'm sure most of us have experienced the embarrassment of shrinking from a battle that God has gifted us and equipped us to win. It’s on those occasions we forget who and whose we are… like Peter seeing the waves and not seeing Jesus.
On the other hand, it takes more to be a soldier than to wear the uniform. Maybe the Hebrews were feeling a little too cocky, their pockets filled with their neighbors’ gold, and leaving the Egyptians reeling from God’s one-two plague punch. Maybe they were itching for a fight they weren't ready for. Perhaps their egos were writing a check their bodies couldn’t cash. Either way, God knew that if they tasted battle too soon, they would lose heart, turn tail and run back to Egypt.
Sometimes God sends us running into the battle; and sometimes God knows the better part of valor is in living to fight another day. Read the story of Josiah.
Have you ever felt bad about avoiding a battle, only to find out later fighting would have been the wrong answer?
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Goodbye, Sir William
I was saddened yesterday to hear of Heath Ledger's untimely death. "A Knight's Tale" has to be one of my favorite movies of all time - and I love this scene (partly because of the great David Bowie song). In the movie, William (a peasant) assumed the identity of a nobleman in order to compete in the joust - the day's equivalent of NASCAR or NFL Football.
I'm not going to say more about the movie, because I don't want to spoil it for you. You've got to rent this film - soon! Believe me, watch it and you'll be singing "we will, we will ROCK YOU!"
You will be missed.
Everything Must Change • 7

2) The Security System – This machine is designed to protect our Prosperity System from those who would interfere with it. It involves police and military, weapons, personnel and training for those personnel. These systems are very expensive to maintain, partly because those who would interfere with our Prosperity System are constantly developing new ways to subvert the Security System. (55) Since this subsystem is so expensive, the costs of implementation and maintenance must be spread across the board so that no one person absorbs too much of the burden. This demands a third subsystem:
3) The Equity System – This machine works not only to fund the Security System, but to grow and develop the Prosperity System. The Equity System has four main tools: 1) It develops and enforces laws designed to keep people from encroaching on one another’s freedoms; 2) It levies taxes to pay for all three systems; 3) It establishes or protects the press and court systems to expose and address inequities; 4) Charities and NGO’s (non-governmental organizations) arise to alleviate suffering when the first three tools fail. (56)
These three systems work cooperatively and interdependently, and together comprise the societal machine. McLaren is careful to point out that the societal machine does not exist in isolation, but is part of a bigger system, and it is failing to understand that interdependence that causes the system to go suicidal. (58)
Can you relate to society described as three interdependent machines? If not, how would you describe it better?
Monday, January 21, 2008
How Not To
Jesus didn't urge his audience to give, pray or fast. It was a given that they would, part of their cultural DNA. However, he did encourage them to consider why they were giving, praying and fasting. He wanted them to remember their audience and their motivation. If they were doing those things to be seen by people, to gain honor for themselves, then they were sadly missing the point. You mean if I give a thousand dollars to the church from wrong motives it won't do the church any good!? It will do the church a lot of good; it just won't do you any good. I know, in this passage, Jesus was talking about giving to the poor, not giving to the church, but I think the point holds.
In the next section Jesus talks about building wealth. He explains that putting one's trust in treasures that wear out, rust out, or can be stolen, is risky (and foolish) business. Jesus is in no way telling his followers not to make provision for the future, but teaching them there's more to life than Ferraris and stock portfolios.
The basic message of verses 25-34 is that if God has given us life, do we really think he'll shortchange us on the basics necessary to sustain life? If he takes care of the birds, will he not take even better care of us? If the flowers of the field, which bloom today and are gone tomorrow, are arrayed so beautifully, then are we not even more precious in his sight? Besides, worry does absolutely no good anyway. The trick is seeking first the kingdom, and living life one day at a time.
An interesting feature of this passage is a statement that at first take seems to contradict a statement from the previous chapter. 5:16 reads: In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. 6:1 says: Be careful not to do your 'acts of righteousness' before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.
The first verse encourages us to engage in good behaviors so that God will be praised. The second warns us not to parade our good behaviors before people to gain that praise for ourselves.
The questions we've got to ask are: 1) Who is my audience? and, 2) What is my motivation?
Saturday, January 19, 2008
A Cold Winter's Night

Several years ago, while I was pastoring in Georgia, a large asteroid came perilously close to the earth (within a million and a half miles). My first clue that something was amiss was when the Piggly Wiggly shelves were stripped of milk and toilet paper!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Shout Out Friday - Church for Men - Florida

Thursday, January 17, 2008
365: Genesis 47-50 (Day 16)
This is one of my favorite verses in the Bible. I can envision this old man (even though some might say he was young for 130), full of years and full of life, looking out over the land of Goshen, but not seeing the fields or the sheep. He was seeing the years of his life – conspiring with his mother to get his brother’s blessing, the 20 years of working for his Uncle Laban, wrestling with God (at this point he automatically and without thinking reaches down to massage his hip), his reunion with Esau, the death of his sweetheart Rachel, the loss of his son Joseph, Jacob—an accomplished deceiver—now deceived by his sons, the famine, his astonishment at hearing Joseph was alive, and then seeing his beloved son once again, second-in-command over all of Egypt!
What a life! There was good and there was bad. There were things that had brought him shame and things that had brought him honor. There were times God’s will was accomplished in his life not in cooperation with Jacob, but in spite of Jacob. It was like a tapestry being woven from the day of his birth, some of the threads beautiful, and some ugly. Only now, in looking back was he able to see the hand of his God—the God of Abraham, Isaac, and yes, the God of Jacob.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Everything Must Change • 6
Read Everything Must Change • 5.
McLaren acknowledges a shift among Christians, from being hyperconfident of their superiority and dominance to understanding that perhaps Western culture and Western style Christianity may not be God’s gift to the world after all. (43f)
He says that postmodernism is only one side of a coin. Postmodernism facilitates discussions among the formerly excessively confident westerners. The other side of that coin is postcolonialism, which facilitate discussion among those people who have been formerly dominated and colonized by western culture. (44) He writes that the way ahead will only be achieved when the former colonizers and the former colonized examine both sides of the coin together. (45)
He quotes Archbishop Desmond Tutu: When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said, ‘Let us pray.’ We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land. (45)
McLaren spurns the present obsession with end times prophecy: One might wish there were more books on averting the destruction of the earth than books amusing us while it proceeds. (46)
In identifying the world’s biggest problems, the author presents five lists from sources as diverse as Rick Warren to the United Nations. He finally presents a shortened list of three: 1) global poverty; 2) environmental destruction; and 3) increasing violence. (50)
What would you say are the biggest problems in the world today?
Monday, January 14, 2008
I Wish I'd Said That • 2

- History is a nightmare. There are more scandals, more acts of corruption, than are dreamed of in philosophy. It would be blasphemous to believe that what we witness is the end of God's creation [as good as God's creation gets]. – Abraham Heschel in The Prophets
- You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way. – James 1:3-4 (The Message)
- When addressed by a Marine Lieutenant filled with anxiety because his platoon had never been on a submarine before: Rest easy; I have. – Rock Hudson as Commander James Ferraday in the film Ice Station Zebra (1968)
- Everything God wants to do through [you] this year begins with what he wants to do in you. Remember, God is more interested in you than in what you do. – David Foster
- I love it when I read Scripture. I love it even more when Scripture reads me. – Perry Noble as quoted by Tony Morgan
- [Faith] is a sure and steadfast knowledge of the love of God toward us, according as He declares in His gospel that He is our Father and Savior (through the mediation of Jesus Christ). – John Calvin in The Geneva Catechism
- The person who cares nothing about the approval or disapproval of people enjoys great peace of mind. – Thomas à Kempis in The Imitation of Christ
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Righter than Right

Saturday, January 12, 2008
Everything Must Change • 5
Chapter 5 begins by addressing the issue of millions of young people leaving the church, millions of young people for whom Christianity appears to be a failed religion. The consensus for many is, It has specialized in people's destination in the afterlife but has failed to address significant social injustices in this life. It has focused on "me" and "my soul" and "my spiritual life" and "my eternal destiny," but it has failed to address the dominant societal and global realities of their lifetime: systemic injustice, systemic poverty, systemic ecological crisis, systemic dysfuntions of many kinds. [1]
McLaren points out that when young Christian people become disillusioned with the church, they may or may not continue practicing it, but they will most definitely be less enthusiastic about sharing their faith with friends. [2] He then gives a thorough and understandable explanation for the origins and meaning of the word postmodern. Come to find out, it's not a dirty word after all! I'm not going to recount his explanation--you need to buy the book.
He also connects the word postmodern to postcolonialism. He writes of excessive confidence, which has caused western Christians to mistakenly think they had a mandate from God to conquer the world, no matter what tactics were required. He writes about the framing stories that reinforce our destructive tendencies.
Finally he goes back to his two original questions and asks: Is it possible that at the heart of the life and message of Jesus was an attempt to expose, challenge, confront, transform and replace the unhealthy framing stories of his day? And could there be a resonance between the unhealthy framing stories of his day and their counterparts in our day? [3]
[1] Brian D. McLaren, Everything Must Change (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2007), 33.
[2] Ibid., 34.
[3] Ibid., 39.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
365: Day 9 (Genesis 25-27)

Genesis 26 is the story of Isaac living among the Philistines. Because they were envious of his riches and nervous about his family's strength, the Philistines filled up all his wells. He dug a new well, and the Philistines filled it up and it sunk into the swamp. So he dug another well,... and that one burned down, fell over and sunk into the swamp. So he dug another well,... and finally the Philistines left that one alone and it was the finest well in all the land. (For those who didn't notice there is a small amount of paraphrasing included in this account.)
Isaac is to be commended for his response. I would have probably had a few other responses in mind: 1) throw a tantrum; 2) quit and go home; or 3) beat the daylights out of the Philistines.
Isaac didn't do any of those things. After they filled in all his wells, and then two additional wells he dug after that, Isaac just moved down the road, dug another well, and waited to see what would happen. That time, the Philistines left him and his well alone, he breathed a sigh of relief, and went on with his life.
What would you do? What can we learn from Isaac?
Everything Must Change • 4
Chapter 4 poses the question: Is the church today what Jesus intended it to be? Is the church marching against the gates of hell, or have we gotten bogged down in trivial matters that don't really matter in the eternal scope of things?
Let me just point to one quote from McLaren: [The church] can become a benign and passive chaplaincy to a failing and dysfunctional culture, the religious public relations department for an inadequate and destructive ideology. It can forego being a force of liberation and transformation and instead become a source of domestication, resignation, pacification and distraction. [1]
[1] Brian D. McLaren, Everything Must Change (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2007), 29.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Everything Must Change • 3
In Burundi, a war torn nation in East Africa, McLaren encounters Claude Nikondeha, who jokes with his fellow Christians that in spite of growing up in the church, he only ever heard one sermon, and it went like this: You are a sinner and you are going to hell. You need to repent and believe in Jesus. Jesus might come back today, and if he does and you are not ready, you will burn forever in hell. Claude went on to say, They told us how to go to heaven . . . They didn't tell us how the will of God could be done on earth. [1]
Come to think of it, that sounds a lot like the only sermon I heard growing up, too. I guess the question is, Does Jesus in my life make a difference to my life and to the world around me? Or is it just an initiation now for eternal life later?
After Claude's sermon, McLaren met a young lady overwhelmed with what she had just heard: Today, for the first time, I see what Jesus meant by the kingdom of God. I see that it's about changing this world, not just escaping it and retreating to our churches. [2]
[1] Brian McLaren, Everything Must Change (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2007), 18ff.
[2] Ibid., 23.
Monday, January 7, 2008
This Guy's Got it Right
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Eye Contact

Saturday, January 5, 2008
365: Genesis 10-12 (Day 4)
As I was reading yesterday's assignment from The Bible in 365 (I'm using the New Century Version this year), one verse caught me: They [Abram's father Terah and his entire family, including Abram and Sarai] had planned to go to the land of Canaan, but when they reached the city of Haran, they settled there (Genesis 11:31).

Terah wanted to take his family to Canaan. It was a long journey (see map with Haran labeled Charan). ...when they reached the city of Haran, they settled there. I have two observations about that sentence.
- I can't get past the word settled. How often do we have a God-given goal in mind, yet stop half-way, settling for something less than God intended? Is that what happened to Terah? Or...
- ...sometimes the journey to where God is leading us takes more than just one generation. Sometimes we are blessed to take our families all the way; sometimes our kids or even our grandkids will finish the journey we began.
What's God been saying to you through your Bible reading in this new year?
Friday, January 4, 2008
Everything Must Change • 2
In chapter 2 Brian McLaren poses two questions:
- What are the biggest problems in the world? [1]
- What do the life and teachings of Jesus have to say about the most critical global problems in our world today? [2]
These are fundamental questions, and they bring up two more: Why hasn't the Christian religion made more of a difference in regard to these issues? And, how could we make a positive difference? [3]
How would you answer question #1? Do the life and teachings of Jesus address these concerns? If so, how?
[1] Brian McLaren, Everything Must Change (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2007), 11.
[2] Ibid., 12.
[3] Ibid.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Everything Must Change • 1

- the prosperity crisis - great wealth is produced for one third of the world's population, but is both unsustainable and causing environmental breakdown
- the equity crisis - the growing gap between the very poor and the very rich, and the resulting resentment by the poor and fear by the rich
- the security crisis - the danger of war arising from said resentment and fear among groups at the opposite ends of the economic spectrum
- the spirituality crisis - the failure of the world's religions (Christianity and Islam make up 54% of the world's population) to heal the three previous crises [2]
In the author's own words: This book is a first visit to a new way of seeing the world and hearing the message of Jesus. [3]
[1] Brian McLaren, Everything Must Change (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2007), 3.
[2] Ibid., 5.
[3] Ibid., 7.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Morris West's Papal Trilogy

We saw a quote while we were in Washington this weekend. It read: A home without books is like a room without windows. Morris West is gone, but his books survive. He wrote in many different genres, from religion to romance to spy thriller, and he did them all good.
It's a new year. Why not make a resolution to read some good books? It could change your life for the better.
Any good titles you would recommend to me?