Nee’s premise is that the outer person (the soul) must be broken to allow the inner person (the spirit) to fully engage Christ. This breaking process is something God is doing in the lives of all Believers. We often fight the process, not realizing that God is accomplishing something absolutely necessary. The longer we fight what God is doing, the longer (and more painful) the process is.
Nee warns that the unbroken person will find himself/herself consumed with so many things—most of them probably good things—that our hands will not be free to do that to which God is calling us. Being entangled with frivolous things, as well as allowing our soul to remain unbroken, keeps us from fully connecting with Christ, or engaging in the eternal work of the kingdom.
Just as God was not limited by the flesh of the Incarnate Christ (because Christ was completely connected to the Father and the Spirit), God wants that same freedom in working through Christ’s body—the church. This explains why it is so important for each Believer to be broken, ensuring God free reign in our lives.
Chapter Six was my favorite. Link to that post here. He writes: God must employ whatever means he thinks effective in breaking down any stronghold over which our [inner person] has no control. Nee reminds us that the trials and tribulations we whined about over the last five to ten years were being used by God to break the outer person, and to help us become the person God wants us to be. Even though we may be unaware of certain needs, the Holy Spirit knows exactly where we fall short, and what is necessary to fix it.
This book helped me look differently at the hard times I’ve faced, am facing, or will face in the future.
No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. (Hebrews 12:11)
God, I know you love me without limit and that you want what’s best for me. If you choose to use suffering and trials to break in me what needs to be broken (and I know you do), then I ask for the grace to let go and allow you free access. Help me not to fight what is for my own good and for the good of your kingdom.
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