Sunday, January 11, 2009

Getting Off to a Good Start

I've been enjoying our New Year's teaching series: Getting Off to a Good Start. Two Sundays ago we discussed the importance of Leaving Last Year's Baggage Behind. If we want to have an effective 2009, we cannot allow unforgiveness from 2008 to drag us down. Today, our teaching was Jesus' Job Description. In some ways the Jubilee language of Luke 4:18,19 can only be applied to Jesus. He was the only one who could provide the Jubilee release described by Isaiah. But while this is Jesus' job description, we have to remember that we are Christ's body. We are called to co-mission with him in releasing the poor from their poverty, the prisoners from their chains, the blind from their darkness, the oppressed from their worries and the shamed from their condemnation.

Hang with us over the next three weeks as we explore the story of Gideon in Advancing When Fear Says "Run Away!", Jonathan's encounter with the Philistines in The Law of Momentum, and the parable of the talents in Taking a R.I.S.K. It's going to be a good year!

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