Saturday, July 28, 2007

A Phone Call from God

I had one of those experiences this week that makes me even more appreciative that I belong to a God who loves me. On Monday I enjoyed a wonderfully intimate time of prayer. It was precious, and made me look forward to the next time. Come Tuesday morning I hurried back to our sanctuary to take up where I left off. It was sort of like trying to go back to sleep hoping to re-engage a really wonderful dream. And like trying to re-engage a dream, it didn't work.

It was one of those times when it seemed I couldn't connect. After about twenty minutes I headed back to my office and my teaching preparation. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I formed the thought: I was here; where were you?

After about ten or fifteen minutes at my desk the phone rang. A dear friend and valued member of our congregation was on the line. Her words: Oh, Pastor, you answering the phone confirms what God told me to do. He told me to call you and read you this...

What she read was just for me, so I'm not going to share it just now. I could just imagine God saying, You couldn't hear me speaking to you, so I decided to use the phone. Reminds me of the line from the original Back to the Future movie, where Biff knocks on George McFly's head and demands: Hello, is anyone home?

I remember someone once telling me, I don't believe in a personal interventionist God. Maybe he had taken one too many college philosophy classes.

It is totally overwhelming to me (in a good way) that God cares enough about me to not only speak to my heart, but even goes so far as to impress other Spirit-sensitive believers to speak to me, or care for me, on his behalf. That's my God.

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