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When you have some time for reading your selected blogs, rather than going to the URL of each individual blog, just open your favorites list (on IE at least that icon is a yellow star at the top left of your screen). There should be three columns: favorites, feeds and history. Select feeds. The names of all your blog subscriptions will be displayed. Any that have new material since you last checked will be in bold print, which means you don't have to waste time checking blogs that haven't been updated.
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And if you do subscribe to some blogs, make sure you include The Masked Evangel on your list.
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Their blog includes insightful oiginal content, and they often connect to other blogs for content that impacts men, including stuff that's thought-provoking, or sometimes just plain funny.
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Give Church for Men - Florida a try, and let's thank God for a group of guys who were willing to follow the Holy Spirit and try something new.
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God, we ask your presence and provision for the guys and ministry at Church for Men. May individual lives, families and communities be changed as a result of what you're doing among them. Amen.
1 comment:
Thanks for you kind comments. They are a big encouragement to us.
Mike Ellis
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