The Release of the Spirit is a short book – ten chapters in only 94 pages. We will be looking at one chapter per week, and these posts will generally come on Tuesdays. I have an old edition printed in 1965 by Sure Foundation. If you have a newer copy, our page numbers might not always agree. Just keep in mind that as long as we’re in the same chapter, it shouldn’t be too hard to synchronize our reading.
Watchman sees humans in three parts, what he calls the Inner Person, the Outer Person and the Outermost Person. We would call these the spirit, the soul, and the body. [1] It is his conviction that God wants to live in a person’s spirit but that, until the soul (outer person) is broken and submits to the spirit (inner person) it hinders us from fully engaging Christ. It is the natural state of the soul to force its will on the spirit, but only in serving and submitting will the soul find its greatest joy.
Read chapter one for next week.
Have you experienced your outer person (soul) in conflict with your inner person (spirit)? Is the battle resolved? What happened?
[1] While Watchman Nee uses the terms inner man, outward man, and outermost man, I believe for today’s audience, replacing the term man with person clarifies and is congruent with his intended thought.
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