Mick Gilliam was our worship leader. Mick and I were at Anderson College together in the late 70s, and he even graciously asked me to lead worship for him one Sunday back in his days at Mt. Scott Church of God in Portland, OR. That was back in our BC (Before Children) days when Janelle and I were traveling as music evangelists. Mick is a gifted musician and anointed worship leader. It was a blessing to sit under his leadership.
Donnie Allen, one of our national leaders in Honduras, served as our youth speaker, and also spoke in the main services on Saturday night and Sunday morning after Pastor Shultz had to return home. My kids, Ben and Will, were highly impressed with Donnie's speaking ability. He related how eagles fly into the storm instead of running away from it. He very pointedly stated that American Christians don't have much of a testimony because, unlike eagles, we run from the storm, and storms are where testimonies are born.
My dear friend Sean Morgan led worship the first Sunday before Mick arrived. He also directed the camp meeting choir all week. What a gifted leader, and all around great guy! Nick Wilson led the orchestra, and did a wonderful job as always. One of my favorite parts of camp meeting this year was Janelle's conference Making Wise Decisions, based on Andy Stanley's book The Best Question Ever. Janelle is a gifted teacher, and I got to sit there all week thinking, That's my wife!
Over and over persons were heard to exclaim how hallowed a peace of ground this camp is. Whitehall Campground has been here since 1892. I have a picture of my grandmother (ca. 1900) here when she was 16. There's definitely a lot of history here. I understand why I think this is such a great place; I've been coming here since I was a kid (except of course for the almost 30 years we were away from Pennsylvania). I was surprised Janelle feels such a strong attachment here, but that's the kind of place (and the kind of people) this is.
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