Sunday, April 29, 2007


I had a dream a few nights ago. I was standing in waist-deep water at the beach, with the waves crashing over me. They were much taller than I was, and they kept coming relentlessly, one after the other. I could barely catch my breath from one before the next crashed down on me.

I think a psychotherapist would have a hayday with that one. I don't claim to have the gift to interpret dreams, but I think anyone could interpret this one. The crashing waves represent the demands of my life right now, and in the recent past. I think there are very few persons who could understand the pressure of going to school full time to complete a Masters Degree, while trying to be a good husband and father and a pastor all at the same time.

In my last post I wrote, "when ministry gets difficult, it is often because I have neglected what I have been called to do for secondary activities." Hmmm; sounds like I need to sort out some priorities, doesn't it? I also wrote in a previous post about God's discipline. That's all part of this process, too. I'd appreciate your prayers as God and I get all this sorted out over the coming weeks. Actually I think God probably already has it sorted out.

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