Thursday, April 12, 2007

You Gotta Read This

I was perusing some new posts from some of the bloggers I read, and came across this one from Perry Noble that is a must read. I've been pastoring for over 20 years and I still sometimes find myself playing to the wrong audience. Thanks, Perry, for your ministry that stretches beyond your own church walls.

While I'm at it, props to one of my oldest and best friends, Brian Daniels, who was my very first introduction to blogging a couple years ago. He's been on hiatus for awhile, but he's back. Welcome back to the blogosphere, Brian. Remind me to tell you about the time I buttoneered Brian's sheets to his bed when we were in college.

1 comment:

Brian Higbee said...

Hey Tim,
70 AMC Hornet...powder blue... a chickmobile in the day, huh? Seriously, I thought that no one under 62 was allowed to drive those.

Great thoughts...on the blog...