My thoughts are more random, and not nearly as profound:
- This was my first time to vote in Oregon. I didn't have enough identification to get an Oregon driver's license (until I've actually had a utility bill mailed to my home address), but I had enough to convince the state I should be able to vote.
- I've never voted anywhere that didn't have voting machines of one form or another. I just drove up and handed my ballot to a guy in the parking lot. Very simple, very easy. Of course, for all I know the guy put my ballot in a dumpster with a thousand others and it's already sitting in a recycling bin somewhere. Probably not.
- After I handed over my ballot, I wonder if the guy noticed my Pennsylvania license plate as I drove away.
- It feels good to participate in the political process. I'm glad I voted.
- 1 Timothy 2:2 -- [Pray] for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all goodliness and holiness.
- The above verse means that if you vote for the loser, that does not give you license to whine for four years.
So, what are your thoughts on the subject, Hobson?
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