Yesterday, we talked about some of the metaphors for the church's relationship to the kingdom. Paul wrote that we are letters... written not with pen and ink, but with the Spirit of the living God (2 Corinthians 3:3). Our lives are letters and people are reading them. We could say the church is a window through which people look to see what the kingdom is like. The church is a witness testifying to the realities of the kingdom, a lens bringing into focus the truths of the kingdom, or a headline that makes others want to read the whole story of the kingdom.
As I was researching the headline idea, I Googled headline and came across this story. It was too good not to use, but at the same time I wasn't about to spend too much time there. So here's the scoop. If this story is true, apparently a young man was pulled over by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for erratic driving. Fearful of the probable results from a breathalyzer, he proceeded to eat his underpants in the hope the cotton fabric would absorb enough alcohol to lower his score.
Did it work?, you ask.
Here's the kicker. Charges were dismissed because his blood alcohol level registered at .08, the legal limit. That means one of two things: 1) He wasn't legally drunk, so he ate his underpants for nothing, or... 2) IT WORKED!!!
Mind you, I found a Google image that fit my needs. I make no claims for the veracity of the story, except Who would make up something like this?
But you know, someone eating his own underpants really wasn't the point of the story. People who are disconnected from God are looking at us to see if being connected to God makes any difference in who we are, or in how we live, and they're making a judgment about whether or not they should get connected, too.
Question: When people read the headline that is your life, are they excited to read the rest of the story?
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