Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas at Aloha Christian Pre-School

Last night was the first of four Christmas programs for our Aloha Christian Pre-School. It was a blast. First off, we were delayed in starting because a couple of our kids (Read: parents) were running late. Then, just as we were ready to start, a little girl had a nose bleed, which needed some first-aid. Then it was time!

I've never seen so many cameras and camera-phones in use at one time before! And the kids were so precious. When you think about it, you can't really lose at something like this. Either the kids do great, and everyone is thrilled with how great they did. Or, they don't do so great, but they look so cute no one cares!

After the program, Santa made an appearance, allowing the children to present their requests. It was a fun night. One down; three to go.

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