Okay, I can't say that; it makes me feel like a chick. Just let it be known that I'm jazzed! Actually that's not much better... about two things!
First, I shared about getting my laptop worked on a few months ago. I was pumped at the time, and had great expectations for better performance. What I didn't realize was that somehow in the process, the computer tech apparently deleted the driver for my wireless card. I'm not a computer geek, so I might be saying this all wrong, but whatever the reason, I haven't had wireless access since. At work I can plug in to a DSL line, and I'm fine, but at home my only choice was wireless, so I just went without.
Today a friend started poking around in my computer, diagnosed the problem, downloaded a new driver, and (since we're snowed in) here I am, sitting in my easy chair, blogging. How cool is that? I've moved into the 20th century! As they say, one century at a time.
Second, I'm starting a new blog: 365 Forum! 365 Forum is geared toward Aloha Church of God members, but we're not limiting participation to just members of our church. This is a through the Bible type group study. Everyone from ACOG has been (or will be) given a The Bible in 365 card, which gives us all a framework for reading through the Bible in one year. Follow the above link to learn more. If you're not a part of ACOG, email me, and I'll send you a reading schedule.
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