Monday, December 22, 2008

Snow Day (Week?)

We're enjoying a snow day. Actually my kids had 5 snow days in a row last week, making their Christmas break three weeks instead of two. On Sunday the 14th, it started snowing at 7:30 a.m. cutting our attendance in half. Then it basically snowed all week long, and we really got dumped on this past Saturday and Sunday. I'm always reluctant to cancel church, but in this case it was basically decided for me.

We woke up this morning to somewhere around 8 inches on the ground, with more coming down. Final total would be about 9 inches. That's my best guess anyway.

Chains or studded snow tires are required everywhere in our county. I thought that meant that I could drive as long as I didn't get stuck, but I've been warned that the police could pull me over just for driving. Bummer. It's kind of fun driving in this stuff... not that I would know that.
This is good weather for catching up on some reading, and for cleaning off the DVR. If the Steelers had just won yesterday, I wouldn't have a thing to whine about.

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