Monday, December 8, 2008

Grace Came Down at Christmas

Almost two weeks ago I introduced our Advent theme for this year: Christmas Grace. I also included lyrics that takes four weeks of sermons/teachings and distills them down into one song. We're singing this song every Sunday as our Advent theme. I wrote Christmas Grace a few years ago while I was pastoring in Pennsylvania. I've written many songs, but this is one of my favorites.

For the recording, I just sang through the song in one take, so don't expect Tony Bennett. My heartfelt thanks to Bryan Bates (Leader for our Multimedia Ministry Team), who did the recording work, and who helped me make it available on The Masked Evangel. Check out Bryan's blog here.

Enjoy... oh, yeah, and Merry Christmas. And now for your listening pleasure (once you click on the link, it will take just a minute for the music to start, but it's worth the wait): Christmas Grace.

1 comment:

Dr. Russell Norman Murray said...

Thanks for the reply, Tim.

Merry Christmas.

Russ Murray